-L U C I F E R
-MurdocisGod (talking about his pickup stories and his jailbait)
-Ssandro (hooker experiences and his viewpoints about attraction and social interactions)
-urbanunderground (for some bipolar fun and impersonations)
-Nick Cotton
-MONSTAR MADNESS (trolling the shit out of the show)
-Natural Ben (
-Owen Cook aka Tyler Durden
-Meg (more as a co-host)
-Jen (with Nicholaus
-gerad (IOIs
Aries and Koolaid: their topic of discussion could be "Virgin KJ fanboys who get validation from complete strangers on the Internet only to realize that their real lives still suck."
Oh, and Natural Ben for "I'm an asshat who threatens others on the Internet and has no clue how the legal system actually works in regards to malicious dialogue."